1. Definition & use of computer hardware & software:

(a) Hardware:

(i) Processor.
(ii) Ram.
(iii) Hard Disk.
(iv) Motherboard.
(v) Graphics Card.
(vi) Pen drive.

(b) Software:
(i) Operating systems.
(ii) Device driver.
(iii) Anti-virus.
(iv) Utility software.
(v) Microsoft Office.
(vi) Graphics Design Software.
(vii) Video Editing Software.
(viii) Audio Editing Software.
(ix) Programming Software.
(x) Media Player Software.
What is Motherboard?

A motherboard is the physical arrangement in a computer that holds all the circuitry to connect the various components of a computer system. Attached to the motherboard, you'll find the CPU, ROM, memory RAM expansion slots, PCI slots, and USB ports. It also includes controllers for devices like the hard drive, DVD drive, keyboard, and mouse. Basically, the motherboard is what makes everything in your computer work together.

Each motherboard has a collection of chips and controllers known as the chipset. When new motherboards are developed, they often use new chipsets. The good news is that these boards are typically more efficient and faster than their predecessors. The bad news is that older components often do not work with new chipsets.

Picture of Motherboard:

1. Picture of a Motherboard

2. Picture of a CPU with Motherboard

Top Motherboard Manufacturing Companies:

1. Intel.

2. Gigabyte Technology.

3. Asus.

4. MSI.

5. ASRock.