1. Definition & use of computer hardware & software:

(a) Hardware:

(i) Processor.
(ii) Ram.
(iii) Hard Disk.
(iv) Motherboard.
(v) Graphics Card.
(vi) Pen drive.

(b) Software:
(i) Operating systems.
(ii) Device driver.
(iii) Anti-virus.
(iv) Utility software.
(v) Microsoft Office.
(vi) Graphics Design Software.
(vii) Video Editing Software.
(viii) Audio Editing Software.
(ix) Programming Software.
(x) Media Player Software.
Programming Software

What is Computer programming?

Computer programming (often shortened to programming, sometimes called coding) is a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness and resources consumption, and implementation (commonly referred to as coding of algorithms in a target programming language.


What is Computer programming?

A programming language is a formal constructed language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs to control the behavior of a machine or to express algorithms.

A programming language is used to write computer programs such as application, utilities, servers, systems programs. A program is written as a series of human understandable computer instructions that can be read by a compiler and linker, and translated into machine code so that a computer can understand and run it.

List of some of the different fields of programming language:

1. Application and Program development

2. Artificial Intelligence development

3. Database development

4. Game development

5. Computer drivers or other hardware interface development

6. Internet and web page development Script development 


Applications and Program development

Application and program development involves programs you work with on a daily basis. For example, the Internet browser you are using to view this web page is considered a program. If you are interested in writing your own programs, you should consider the following languages.

Artificial Intelligence or related fields involve creating the character interactions in computer games, portions of programs that make decisions, chatbots, and more. If you're interested in writing your own AI, you should consider the following languages.

Database development

Database developers create and maintain databases. If you're interested in creating your own database or maintaining other databases, you should consider any of the following languages.

Game development

Game development involves the development of computer games or other entertainment software. If you're interested in writing your own games, you should consider the following languages.

Computer drivers or other hardware interface development

Computer drivers and programming hardware interface support are a necessity for hardware functionality. If you're interested in writing your own drivers or software interfaces for hardware devices, you should consider the following languages.

Internet and web page development

Internet and web page development are the essence of the Internet. Without developers, the Internet would not exist. If you're interested in creating your own web pages, developing Internet applications, or Internet related tasks, you should consider the following languages.

Script development

Although it is not likely to become a career, knowing how to create and develop scripts can increase productivity for you or your company; saving you countless hours. If you're interested in developing your own scripts, consider the following languages.

What is Programming Software?

Programming software is a software which helps the programmer in developing other software. Compilers, assemblers, debuggers, interpreters etc. are examples of programming software. Integrated development environments (IDEs) are combinations of all these software.


Top Integrated development environments:

1. Visual Studio Express (Free).
2. Eclipse.
3. Eclipse.
4. Kate.
4. Kate.
6. Adobe Dreamweaver (Free).
7. Atom (Free).