1. Definition & use of computer hardware & software:

(a) Hardware:

(i) Processor.
(ii) Ram.
(iii) Hard Disk.
(iv) Motherboard.
(v) Graphics Card.
(vi) Pen drive.

(b) Software:
(i) Operating systems.
(ii) Device driver.
(iii) Anti-virus.
(iv) Utility software.
(v) Microsoft Office.
(vi) Graphics Design Software.
(vii) Video Editing Software.
(viii) Audio Editing Software.
(ix) Programming Software.
(x) Media Player Software.
Hard Disk
What is Hard Disk?

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a non-volatile (data is retained when the computer is turned off) computer storage device containing magnetic disks or platters rotating at high speeds. It is a secondary storage device used to store data permanently, random access memory (RAM) being volatile (data is erased when the computer is turned off) the primary memory device.

There are many variations, but their sizes are generally 3.5" and 2.5" for desktop and laptop computers respectively. A hard drive consists of one or more platters to which data is written using a magnetic head, all inside of an air-sealed casing. Internal hard disks reside in a drive bay, connect to the motherboard using an ATA, SCSI, or SATA cable, and are powered by a connection to the PSU (power supply unit). The images below show the components of a hard drive inside of both desktop and laptop computers.


What is the capacity of computer Hard Disk memory is measured in?

Computer Hard Disk capacity is measured in MegaBytes (MB),  GigaBytes (GB) or TeraBytes (TB). Example: 500 GB.

Picture of Hard Disk:

Picture of a Hard Disk Drive

Types of Hard Disk:

Mainly five types of HDD available in market:

1. IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics). IDE drives are also known as PATA drives(Parallel advance technology attachment).

2. SATA (Serial Advance Technology Attachment).


1.5Gbps or 150MB/s


3.0Gbps or 300MB/s


6.0Gbps or 600MB/s

3. SCSI (Small Computer System Interface).

4. SAS (Serial Attached SCSI).

5. External removable Hard Disk Drive.


Available Hard Disk Disk size in Market:

20 GB

60 GB

120 GB

160 GB

250 GB

320 GB

500 GB

750 GB

1 TB

2 TB

3 TB

4 TB

5 TB

Top Hard Disk Brands:

1. Western Digital.

2. Seagate.

3. Toshiba.

4. Transcend.

5. Hitachi.

6. A Data.

7. Corsair.

8. Fujitsu.

9. Verico.

10. Transcend

11. Samsung

How much your computer Hard Disk?

To know about your computer Hard Disk,

1. Click mouse left button on Start icon to your computer.

2. Click mouse right button on Computer.

3. Click mouse left button on Manage.

4. After open Computer Management windows,click mouse left button on Disk Management.See to Disk 0 catagory for Hard Disk space.


5.  See video.