১. সংজ্ঞাঃ কম্পিউটার Hardware ও Software-এর সংজ্ঞা এবং কাজ।

(a) Hardware:

(i) প্রসেসর (Processor).
(ii) র‍্যাম (Ram).
(iii) হার্ড ডিস্ক (Hard Disk).
(iv) মাদারবোর্ড (Motherboard).
(v) গ্রাফিক্স কার্ড (Graphics Card).
(vi) Pen drive.

(b) Software:
(i) Operating systems.
(ii) Device driver.
(iii) Anti-virus.
(iv) Utility software.
(v) Microsoft Office.
(vi) Graphics Design Software.
(vii) Video Editing Software.
(viii) Audio Editing Software.
(ix) Programming Software.
(x) Media Player Software.
প্রসেসর (Procssor)
প্রসেসর কি?

মাইক্রোকম্পিউটারের কেন্দ্রীয় প্রক্রিয়াকরণ অংশ বা CPU কে প্রসেসর বলা হয়। প্রসেসর এক ধরনের ইলেকট্রনিক চিপ। যখন CPU কে একটি একক LSI বা VLSI চিপে নির্মাণ করা হয়, তখন তাকে প্রসেসর বলা হয়।

প্রসেসর মানুষের মস্তিষ্ক স্বরূপ। আবার একে মাইক্রোকম্পিউটারের হৃদপিন্ডও বলা যায়। আসলে এটি মাইক্রোকম্পিউটারের মূল চালিকা শক্তি। অর্থাৎ প্রসেসর মাইক্রোকম্পিউটারের প্রোগ্রাম নির্বাহের প্রধান অংশ। মাইক্রোকম্পিউটার সিস্টেমে প্রসেসর হচ্ছে কম্পিউটারের মাল্টিপারপোজ (Multipurpose) প্রোগ্রাম্যাবল ইন্টিগ্রেটেড ডিভাইস, যা ইনপুটকৃত ডাটা প্রসেসিং বা প্রক্রিয়াকরণ এবং সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণের কাজ করতে পারে। এছাড়া এটি নিম্নলিখিত কাজগুলো সম্পন্ন করে:

১। ইনস্ট্রাকশন (Instruction) অনুযায়ী গাণিতিক এবং যুক্তিমূলক সকল কাজ সম্পন্ন করে।
২। মাইক্রোকম্পিউটারের সকল অংশের জন্য কন্ট্রোল সিগন্যাল এবং টাইমিং পালস (Timing pulse) এর ব্যবস্থা করে।
৩। মেমরি ও ইনপুট/ আউটপুট (I/ O) ডিভাইস হতে এবং উক্ত ডিভাইস দুটিতে ডাটা স্থানান্তর করে।
৪। মেমরি হতে ডাটা এবং ইন্সট্রাকশনের ফেচিং (Fetching) এর কাজ করে।
৫। ইনস্ট্রাকশন ডিকোড (Decode) করে।
৬। I/ O (Input/ Output) কর্তৃক উৎপন্ন কন্ট্রোল সিগন্যালে সাড়া প্রদান করে। যেমন: RESET, INTERRUPT ইত্যাদি।

প্রসেসর স্পিড (speed):

একটি প্রসেসর এর Clock speed দ্বারা প্রসেসর এর স্পিড (speed) নির্ণয় করা হয়।

একটি প্রসেসর এর Clock speed সাধারণত MHz (megahertz) অথবা GHz (gigahertz) এ প্রকাশ করা হয়। 2.0GHz clock speed এর একটি কম্পিউটার ২,০০০,০০০,০০০ cycle per second এ চলে।

আবার আধুনিক প্রসেসরগুলোতে একাধিক কোর (Cores) থাকে। যেমন: Core(TM)2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7। বহু কোর প্রসেসরে প্রত্যেক কোর এর নিজস্ব প্রসেসিং ক্ষমতা থাকে।


Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz 2.20GHz

এখানে, 2.20GHz হচ্ছে প্রসেসরের Clock Speed. Core(TM)2 Duo CPU মানে একটি single integrated circuit এ দুটি কোর (Duel cores) রয়েছে। এখানে প্রত্যেক কোর (Core) এর নিজস্ব controller and cache রয়েছে, যা একটি single-core প্রসেসরের চেয়ে অনেক দ্রুত কাজ করতে সয়ায়তা করে।

Mother board এ প্রসেসরের অবস্থান এবং প্রসেসর এর চিত্র:

mother board diagram

Mother Board Diagram

বিশ্বে প্রসেসর উৎপাদনকরী প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম:
  1. Intel
  2. AMD
  3. ARM

নিচে কোম্পানীগুলোর সর্বাধিক ব্যবহ্নত প্রসেসরগুলোর বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং বাজারজাত করণ সময়সহ তালিকা দেওয়া হল:

Intel Comparison Table

Intel Recommended For Last Generation Released (Codename) Number of Cores Notable Features Additional Product Information Product Commentary
Core i7

Enthusiasts, Superior All-Around Performance, Multi-tasking, Multimedia Creation, Advanced Productivity and Advanced 3D Graphics

2012 ("Ivy Bridge") and upcoming

2, 4

(1) Hyper-Threading
(2) Turbo Boost
(3) QuickPath InterConnect
(4) Tri-Gate (3D) Transistors
(5) Intel HD Graphics
(6) 64-bit

Intel The Intel Core i7 represents the company's most feature robust processor offering. They are Intel's flagship series of processor, achieving the greatest levels of relative performance. As an excellent all-around processor, the i7 is ideal for enthusiasts, gamers, power users and content creators alike. They are available for both desktop and notebook platforms. The current generation of i7 (as well as i3 and i5) processors is Ivy Bridge as of Mid-2012.
Core i5
All-Around Performance, Multi-tasking, Advanced Producivity, Multimedia, Advanced 3D Graphics

2012 ("Ivy Bridge") and upcoming

2, 4

(1) Hyper-Threading (on i5 Mobile Dual-Core only, not available on Quad-Core desktop version)
(2) Turbo Boost
(3) QuickPath InterConnect
(4) Tri-Gate (3D) Transistors
(5) Intel HD Graphics
(6) 64-bit

The Intel Core i5 is a class of high-performance processor just a notch beneath the i7. Though they generally possess same features as the i7 with some exceptions (see Features), they have less cache (L3) memory which amounts to similar, but lesser all-around performance. Like the i7 and i3, the i5 features Intel's high performance integrated graphics in the HD 3000/4000. Most users will find the general level of perfomance offered by the i5 to be an attractive option compared to a more expensive i7-equipped system.
Core i3
Productivity, Multi-tasking, Basic Graphics, Multimedia

2012 ("Ivy Bridge") and upcoming

2, 4

(1) Hyper-Threading
(2) QuickPath InterConnect
(3) Tri-Gate (3D) Transistors
(4) Intel HD Graphics 3000
(5) 64-bit

Intel The Intel Core i3 processor is the closest successor to the now out-of-production Core2Duo processor. The most significant differences between the i3 and i5/i7 is the lack of Turbo Boost and less cache (L3) memory. The i3 offers moderate all-around performance and is often found in budget-oriented systems.
Pentium (Post-2009)
Productivity, E-mail, and Web Browsing, Photos and Music 2011 ("Sandy Bridge") 2 Hyper-Threading (however, most currently do not support this feature) Intel The Intel Pentium as a product line had built a strong reputation with consumers in the 90's through the early 2000s with the Pentium I/II/III/4 series. Formerly a flagship line of processor, the Pentium is currently in production as a budget-oriented option just above the Celeron in terms of relative performance. The most recent iteration of the Pentium takes some architectural cues from the Core i series with the 2011 Pentium based on the Sandy Bridge, offering performance suitable for most basic tasks.
Productivity, E-mail, and Web Browsing, Photos and Music 2011 ("Sandy Bridge") 2 64-bit Intel Throughout its many iterations, the Intel Celeron has occupied the lower end of the processor market in terms of both price and performance. Updates to the Celeron based on current generation architecture have been made to keep the processor relevant. The improvements are enough such that they allow for running current productivity packages and web applications. They are best considered for an entry-level system.
Basic Productivity, E-mail, and Web Browsing 2012 ("Cedar Trail") and upcoming 1, 2 (1) Hyper-Threading
(2) 64-bit
Intel The Intel Atom belongs almost exclusively to a class of personal computers known as netbooks (nettops and tablets are the lesser common instances). The Atom is focused not so much on performance as it is on reducing power consumption. As a result, many netbooks offer excellent battery life at the cost of being unable to run more sophisticated applications beyond web browsing and word processing. Generally speaking, netbook processors such as the Atom do not see substantial performance gains with subsequent generations.
Retiring/Retired Product Lines
Core 2 Duo & Core 2 Quad

Multi-tasking, Productivity and Multimedia

2008 2, 4 64-Bit Intel
- Core 2 Duo
- Core 2 Quad
Though the Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad processors are still in production, the platform has been succeeded by the Core i Series since late 2008. Despite this, these processors are still very servicable providing adequete levels of performance for multitasking to varying levels of multimedia creation and productivity applications.
Core Solo/Core Duo/Centrino & Celeron (Pre-2010) Basic Productivity, E-mail, and Web Browsing 2006 1, 2 32-bit N/A The Core Duo/Duo Centrino processors preceeded both the Core2 and Core i series of processor. Generally do not recommend running current software for optimal use; consideration of an upgrade path is recommended soon.
Pentium III & Pentium 4 Legacy software and operating system Late 90s/Early 2000s 1 Pentium 4: mostly 32-bit later versions 64-bit, w/Hyper- Threading N/A An upgrade path is highly recommended; Usefulness is relagated to doing basic tasks such as running older versions of Microsoft Office or browsing webpages absent of the latest media or plugins such as Flash or Java.


AMD Comparison Table

amd Recommended For Last Generation Released (Codename) Number of Cores Notable Features Additional Product Information Product Commentary
amd fx
Desktop Enthusiasts, All-Around High Performance 2012 ("Bulldozer") and upcoming 4, 6, 8 (1) HyperTransport
(2) Integrated DRAM Controller with AMD Memory Optimizer
(2) AMD Turbo CORE
(3) AMD Virtualization
(4) AMD PowerNow! (Cool'n'Quiet)
(1) AMD
(2) Architectural Features
Available exclusively on desktop platforms, AMD FX targets custom builders and enthusiasts. This is a processor that far surpasses the needs of the average user. However, given the amount of performance it provides combined with the relative low cost, it becomes an attractive option for budget custom PC builds. The FX along with the A-Series, represent AMD's current flagship products and later releases within these product lines are planned.
A-Series (Fusion)
a series
A4: Basic 
All-Around Use/Productivity, Casual Gaming

A6, A8: All-Around Performance, Multimedia, Advanced 3D Graphics
2012 ("Trinity") and upcoming

A4: 2

A6, A8: 4

DirectX 11 Capable Graphics (1) AMD
(2) Notebook Features
The AMD A-Series (AMD Fusion) are a type of chip that merges the CPU with a high-performance GPU (graphics processing unit) resulting in a versatile system that is very power efficient. They are available in desktops, laptops and most recently, ultrabooks. Where the A4 APU is found in less expensive, entry level systems, the A6 and A8 are more suited for all-around use w/advanced graphics applications (such as gaming or 3D modeling). In May 2012, AMD released the next generation of Fusion A-Series processors known as "Trinity", these processors promise much greater graphical and general purpose performance. AMD has aligned Trinity as an answer to Intel's Ivy Bridge. 
Phenom II
phenom ii
Advanced Productivity, HD Video, 3D Graphics, Photos and Music 2010 2, 3, 4, 6 (1) HyperTransport™
(2) Integrated DRAM Controller with AMD Memory Optimizer 
(3) AMD Turbo CORE
(4) AMD PowerNow! (Cool'n'Quiet)
(5) AMD CoolCore!

(1) AMD 
(2) Key Architectural Features

The AMD Phenom II is primarily a class of high-performance desktop processor.In 2010, AMD claimed to be the first in the industry to offer a consumer class six-core processor though the X6. Mobile variants of the Phenom II were introduced as well, but not in the six-core flavor. Though new generations of this product line are no longer in the works, this line of processor is still sold as a low-cost, budget-oriented option for custom system builds. The performance of this processor is more than enough for everyday usage and productivity.
Athlon II
athlon ii

Basic Multi-tasking, Productivity and Multimedia Applications

2011 and upcoming

2, 3, 4 (1) AMD Virtualization
(2) AMD PowerNow! (Cool'n'Quiet)
(3) AMD CoolCore!
(1) AMD 
(2) Key Architectural Features

The Athlon II is a relatively recent processor taking design cues from the Phenom II. Unlike the Athlon Classic, is still in production and far more suited to current productivity applications such as Microsoft Office as well as multitasking and multimedia applcations. It is found in both laptops and desktops as a reasonably-powered, cost-effective option.

Turion II
Productivity, Photos, and Music 2010 1, 2 (1) HyperTransport
(2) 64-bit
AMD The Turion II is a processor based from the same architecture in the Phenom II and Athlon II. It was introduced as a competitor to Intel's Core 2 Duo. As a result, its performance should be very suitable for productivity software. They designed with power efficiency in mind and is found primarily in notebook configurations.
Basic Productivity, E-mail, and Web Browsing 2010 1, 2 (1) HyperTransport
(2) 64-bit
AMD The Sempron is the AMD analogue to the Intel Celeron. It offers very basic levels of performance and is updated every so often so as to offer an inexpensive option capable of running recent versions of productivity software such as Office 2010 as well as web applications.
Retiring/Retired Product Lines

Multi-tasking, HD Video, Basic Graphics 2008 2, 3, 4

(1) HyperTransport
(2) AMD PowerNow! (Cool'n'Quiet) 
(3) AMD CoolCore!

AMD The AMD Phenom processor preceded the Phenon II. Though the processor is no longer in production, it is generally considered lower-middle range in performance; suitable for multi-tasking and more than casual use. The Phenom was available only for desktop platforms.
Athlon (Classic)

Web Browsing, E-mail

Not In production (1999-2005) 1, 2 32-bit or 64-bit N/A Formerly known as just the Athlon, the Athlon Classic has not been in production since 2005. The kind of performance is extremely limited for today's applications and is recommended for only the most basic of uses. Generally, a complete system upgrade from this processor range would be advisable if your needs fall beyond web browsing and e-mail tasks.


Companies Utilizing ARM Architecture

arm System-On-a-Chip (SoC) Notable Product(s) Containing Type of ARM Processor Number of Cores Additional Product Information


iPhone 4, iPod Touch (4th Gen), iPad (1st Gen), AppleTV (2nd Gen) Cortex-A8 1 Apple
A5 iPhone 4S, iPad 2, AppleTV (3rd Gen) Cortex-A9 2
A5X iPad (3rd Gen, Retina Display) Cortex-A9 2

Exynos 3 Single

Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy Nexus S,

Cortex-A8 1 Samsung
Exynos 4 Dual Samsung Galaxy SII, Samsung Galaxy Note (International) Cortex-A9 2
Exynos 4 Quad Samsung Galaxy SIII Cortex-A9 4
Exynos 5 Dual N/A Cortex-A15 2


Microsoft Zune HD

ARM11 1 Nvidia
Tegra 2 ASUS Eee Pad Transformer, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Motorola Xoom, Dell Streak 7 & Pro, Sony Tablet S Cortex-A9 2
Tegra 3 ASUS Transformer Pad 300, ASUS Nexus 7, Acer Iconia Tab A510 & A700, HTC One X Cortex-A9 4
Qualcomm Snapdragon S2 Nokia Lumia 900 N/A 1 Qualcomm
Snapdragon S3 Galaxy Note LTE (AT&T), HP TouchPad N/A 2
Snapdragon S4 Samsung Galaxy SIII LTE, HTC EVO 4G LTE N/A 2, 4
Texas Instruments OMAP 3 Barnes and Noble Nook Color Cortex-A8 1 Texas Instruments
OMAP 4 Amazon Kindle Fire, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Blackberry Playbook, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Barnes and Noble Nook Tablet Cortex-A9 2
OMAP 5 N/A Cortex-A15 2


কিভাবে একটি কম্পিউটারে কি প্রসেসর ব্যবহ্নত হচ্ছে তা দেখা হয়?

একটি কম্পিউটারে কি প্রসেসর ব্যবহ্নত হচ্ছে তা দেখাতে,

১ . প্রথমে বামে নিচের কোণায় start icon এ click করতে হবে।

২. Computer এর উপর মাউজ পয়েন্টার রেখে মাউজের Right button এ click করে Properties এ click করতে হবে।

৩. System catagory তে কম্পিউটারটি কি প্রসেসর ব্যবহার করছে তা দেখা যাবে।


কিভাবে একটি কম্পিউটারে কি প্রসেসর ব্যবহ্নত হচ্ছে তা দেখা হয়: