(8) How to add Signature in Outlook.

Generally we need to put signature in every message. So it is boring to write signature in every message. If you use signature option of Outlook, you have no need to write signature all time. Outlook automatic or by your command will write the signature. First see following picture to know which portion are called Signature in a mail body.


How to add Signature in Outlook:

(i) Open your Outlook. Now from Message tab click to New Email (Top left).


(ii) Now from Message tab click to Signature, again click to signature.
(iii) Click to New and give the Name of your signature (Example: Signature-1). Click to OK.
(iv) Write your Signature as per you requirement and click to OK.
(v) To apply Signature in body put the cursor where you need to put signature and click to signature & click to the name of signature.


See description with screenshot & Video

Description with screenshot:

How to Font size change:

(i) Open your Outlook. Now from Message tab click to New Email (Top left).
(ii) Now from Message tab click to Signature, again click to signature.


(iii) Click to New and give the Name of your signature (Example: Signature-1). Click to OK.


(iv) Write your Signature as per you requirement and click to OK.


(v) To apply Signature in body put the cursor where you need to put signature and click to signature & click to the name of signature.


How to add Signature in Outlook: