(1) What is Microsoft Outlook and how to install it.

What is Microsoft Outlook?

Microsoft Outlook is an E-mail software program by Microsoft that enables users to send and receive e-mail on their computer, but it also includes contact, calendaring and task management functionality. This software is part of the Microsoft Office suite and is compatible with other applications in the Office suite.

Why Microsoft Outlook?

Its purpose is to allow users to type, send & receive mail and save mail.

It features the ability to -

  • Send, receive and block mail
  • Connect with any email server
  • Spelling & grammar checker
  • Inserts pictures in documents
  • Inserting Shapes
  • Use graphing tool
  • Tables
  • Create graph
  • Adding signature
  • Organize email, share your calendar, schedule meetings, and share picture & files
  • Save mail address with details & save contact
  • Prints in different ways

How to install it?

To install Microsoft Outlook, you have to install Microsoft Office software.