5. Tutorial of Microsoft Word

(1) What is Microsoft word and how to install it.
(2) How to create & save a file.
(3) How to make a password protected MS Word file.
(4) How to select a text.
(5) How to change Font.
(6) How to Font size change.
(7) How to Font color change.
(8) How to make a text bold (B), Italic (I), Underline (U), Subscript (X2), Superscript (X2).
(9) How to change Font design or decoration.
(10) How to cut, copy & paste of a text.
(11) How to align content with Left align, Right align, Center align, Justify.
(12) How to Insert a picture.
(13) How to Insert shapes.
(14) How to Insert a table.
(15) How to Insert a Symbol.
(16) How to divided a Microsoft Word page in different Column.
(17) How to Page setup of a Microsoft Word page.
(18) How to print a page.