5. Tutorial of Microsoft Excel:

(1) What is Microsoft Excel and its installation.
(2) How to create & save a file Microsoft Excel.
(3) How to make a password protected Microsoft Excel file.
(4) How to select Cells/ Text.
(5) How to font change.
(6) How to Font size change.
(7) How to Font color change.
(8) How to make a text bold (B), Italic (I), Underline (U).
(9) How to Merge cells.
(10) How to cut, copy & paste cells/ text.
(11) How to align content with Left, Right, Center align, Top, Middle or Bottom align.
(12) How to Draw Cell border.
(13) How to change cells background color.
(14) How to cells background color, font, border change with condition (Conditional Formatting).
(15) How to use Data Validation to input fixed text in cells.
(16) How to hide or unhide rows and columns.
(17) How to apply filter.
(18) How to Page setup.
(19) How to print page.
(20) How to mimic a watermark or place background image.
Formulas and Functions
(1) Use of Sum & AutoSum.
(2) Use of Average function.
(3) How to Divided two value.
(4) How to Multiply two value.
(5) How to use Count formula.
(6) How to use COUNTIFS formula.
(7) How to use MAX formula.
(8) How to use MIN formula.
(9) How to use RANK formula.
(10) How to use IF formula.
(11) How to use SUMIFS formula.
(12) How to use LOOKUP formula.
(1) How to make a Column Graph.
(2) How to make a Line Graph.
(3) How to make a Line Graph with two or more series.
(4) How to make a Pie Graph.
(5) How to make a Combo Graph with secondary axis.
(1) Use of Sum & AutoSum in Microsoft Excel.


a. Sum:

(i) Sum with plus sign.
(ii) Sum with Range.

(i) Sum with plus sign: To sum with plus sign you need to write formula like below




Give the formula in B5 cell.

Formula Description Result
=B2+B3+B4 =cell1+cell2+cell3
=85+80+95 =number1+number2+number3
=B2+B3+95 =cell1+cell2+number3
=B2+B3+B4+5 =cell1+cell2+cell3+number4

(ii) Sum with Range: To sum with range you have to write the below formula




Give the formula in B11 cell.

Formula Description Result
=SUM(B2:B10) here RANGE=B2:B10, you can give any range as per your requirement.

b. AutoSum

For AutoSum just select the result cell & click from HOME tab to AutoSum.




Use of Sum & AutoSum in Microsoft Excel: