Garments MIS & Planning Software
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What benefits to use Garments MIS and Planning Software?

Planning part:

1. Advantages of use: You can use Garments MIS and Planning Software all work with Laptop, Desktop, Android Tablets, Android mobile (with APP also) or any browsers support mobile with an internet connection. So, you can show or edit plan from any where at any time.

2. Style add to plan: Plan will complete with artificial intelligence after input some data (Style Name, Line Name SMV, Manpower and efficiency gradation) of a style. So, you just input some data plan will automatic created. Lot of time will save here against excel planing.

3. Plan Update: For update plan just change your already inputted data. Plan will updated dynamically. Every Excel planner suffered here of her brain, energy and time. So you feel relax to update plan by using Garments MIS and Planning Software.

4. Calender Update: A calender will autocratic generated. You just customise it for your factory with few click at a time. After change calendar plan will change autocratically. But in excel planer will super for so much here. Lot of time, brain and energy will save here.

5. TNA plan: At the time a of style add to plan select a TNA plan Tag than TNA plan automatic generated. Just make some TNA tag against your style category at a time. But in excel planer need make another plan sheet for TNA plan. But in Garments MIS an Planning software, you have almost no work.

6. Plan view: Click to Android App or browse web page and see Daily Plan Line wise and total. For details with TNA plan just click any cell. So it is very simple.

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MIS report part:

1. Daily report: Live production board of Hourly production, target, efficiency, DHU etc. with production loss reason.

2. Monthly report: Monthly total production, target, target an production deviation, Efficiency, DHU, Rejection, Absenteeism, NPT, Line Performance in COC and M/C Maintenance, Line Performance Rank.
3. Production loss reason analysis: Line or Unit/Floor wise Pie Chart. Where indicate How much production loss for which problem (Such as absenteeism, power fail, m/c problem, low capacity etc.).
4. Skil Matrix: Fast and easy find system of particular operator with thier grade for line balance of plan.

5. Thread consumption: A system to calculate how much thread required for a style.

6. Pie Chart for NPT: Line wise, Unit/ Floor wise factory total NPT analysing chart.

7. Absenteeism: Line wise, Unit/ Floor wise factory absenteeism report.

More features are adding day by day. So connected with us. Sign Up today with select free version for practice at