(2) How to make a web page with HTML.

How to make a web page with HTML:

To write html I am using here Notepad. To open Notepad click to start icon of computer. In search bar write notepad. Now click to notepad.

(i) First you have to know that when you write any code, write code between <> sign fore close the comment write </> sign. Now I am showing you a how to make a page. Write following code in notepad and save it with html extension. Example "test1.html".


Open the test1.html file with your browser you can see like following:


So, from above html code we can see two output: 1. Page title & 2. Page body. What we write between <title></title>, we can see it in the title section in output/browser. What we write between <body></body>, we can see it in the body section in output/browser.

So, what you want to show user write everything between <body> </body>. See another example for your clearance.






How to make a web page with HTML: