3. How to remove virus if you are affected.

Following are the step by step instruction to remove virus if you are affected by virus:

Step-1: Buy a strong security software (Antivirus), install it to computer & scan full computer.

Step-2: IF virus is so strong like it prevent to install antivirus or corrupt antivirus after install it, than you have to take another action. You can also take this option, if you can’t afford to buy a security software.

First copy all necessary file from your Desktop and C: drive to another folder. Now reinstall the Operating system by format C: drive and system reserve drive. When windows ready to use don't enter to Hard drive, stay on Desktop. Be

cause if you enter to hard drive virus will spread to C:drive or other folder. If virus can't connect to C: drive than it will not get strong. Now you need to install a antivirus. If your antivirus in your hard drive then enter hard drive by another way. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete from keyboard and click to Task Manager or Mouse right click to a bank space of your taskbar and click to Task Manager to open it. Now click to File & click to Run new task. Click Browse and select the antivirus setup file and install it. If you need to install Network driver software or any other software then install it from Task Manager. If you need to install software from pen drive ten also enter by Task Manager. Now Scan full computer. Virus easy catch by Antivirus because they are inactive now.

If you can’t afford to buy a security software (Antivirus), as there are plenty of excellent and free security solutions. Download from internet or collect from other source. Follow Step-2 to remove virus completely if you use free Antivirus.

Step-3: If virus still on your PC, then back up all data of your PC to another flash drive (Pen drive or External Hard Drive). Reinstall OS with formatting all drive of your PC.



Scan flash drive to another computer Antivirus and remove virus or install a good Antivirus software to this PC and scan flash drive by it. Then copy data to your PC.

Step-4: If you have no source to scan your data by Antivirus then reinstall OS with formatting all drive of your PC. Here, you lost all data of your PC.